Tuesday, December 8, 2009

More than just a box....

This year at Reagan school they coordinated with Samaritans Purse and did the "Operation Christmas Child" where you fill a wrapped shoe box with things that a child from another country might need/want for Christmas. I decided that this was the perfect opportunity to teach Reagan about children that are less fortunate and the joy that comes from giving.
Since you can pick the age range and sex of the child you want to give to I decided for Reagan to best relate we would buy for a little girl age 2-4. I explained to Reagan that there are children all over the world that don't have a warm house and lots of toys like she does and that we were going to go to Wal-mart and fill up this shoe box for a little girl that was 3 just like her (hey... we will never really know if she was actually 3 or 2 or 4 but for all intents and purposes I thought that would hit home for Reagan.) And hit home it did! She was very involved in everything we picked out telling me things like "I don't think a three year old girl like me would like that mommy." She was telling everyone in Wal-mart that she was buying presents for a little girl that was 3 just like her that didn't have any toys. The most amazing part of the trip... she didnt ask for anything. She was so concerned with finding just the right gifts for this little girl that she didn't even think about herself. Here are some of the things we bought for her.

Hairbrush and hair clips
A princess toothbrush and toothpaste
A purple dress and purple socks
A pair of shorts and a shirt
A baby doll
A princess flashlight
An etch-a-sketch
Crayons and 2 coloring books (one with stickers)
A My little pony
Some bracelets and necklaces
A bag of suckers
A bag or hard candy
We crammed it all in a shoe box and Reagan made a card with a picture of her in it. She was so proud of it. She wanted to show it to everyone that came to our house for the next week. I really think she understood (as much as a 3 year old can) what we were doing and while I know that one little box cant change the world, I do believe that one little box changed a little girl (and I am not talking about the little girl that was receiving it.)


Anonymous said...

this is the best post i've read in a while. i love that you were so giving to someone who was in need...and neat that your little girl understands a little bit about it too. That will be one lucky little girl to open that package. Loved your christmas card...very cute!

Dustin and Katie Smothers said...

I just dont know who Reagan could have got this wonderful trait from..... !? She comes from such a loving, caring, and giving family... I don't think you know sometimes how much you truly help people out. You did more for me and Dustin when having Reagan then you know!!!!