Friday, January 2, 2009

My poor little guy

Unfortunatly this is how we ended our holiday season. Brody ended up with a double ear infection and a nasty cold/cough and when we went back to the doctor the next day for a second shot of antibiotics he was wheezing so they put him on breathing treatments.They tested him for RSV but it was negative (thank goodness). He is doing better but it looks like he is going to have to have tubes put in his ears. He is on his 5th ear infection in about 4 months and now even the shots aren't clearing them up completely. Poor little guy...


Ryan and Brindi said...

poor baby! i'm sorry! hopefully he will get better soon! glad you had a good christmas!

Grace said...

That is sad:( I hope the tubes help..I know ear infections are not fun!

shelley said...

ugh. sorry about that with brody. it's so sad to see kids sick, especially REALLY sick like he was/is.

your christmas looked great! LOVE the pink trunk full of dress-ups. and of course i totally teared up reading your story of the crippled lamb and reagan kissing baby jesus. kids just get it, don't they?

ps - i looked at heidi's blog and saw your family pics. and laughed that you are always the shortest. and i totally love your bangs. they look GREAT. and i can't believe how old and cute jordan is! all grown up!

Nicole, CJ, Connor, and Ayden said...

Amber - I was looking at Heidi's website and I saw you and Stephen and decided I needed to write and say hey - it's sure been a long time since Collins Hill! Your family is adorable and you guys look like your doing well. Congrats on the family, I hate to hear though that your little boy is having a rough new year :(

megan grados said...

my poor lil' guy. he looks cute even with that thing on his face though. : ) love you!