Thursday, April 22, 2010

Only time will tell...

Time is a funny thing. It always seems to do the exact opposite of what you want it to. When you want it to go by quickly, it takes forever. When you want it to slow down, it flies by. But I guarantee that if you ask any mom, on any given birthday, of any given child, they will all say the same thing.... "it has gone by so fast."
Thats because for the most part, while we spend so much of our"time" worrying about and planning for other "time" the time we have right in font of us slowly slips away, and right in front of our eyes.... it's gone. And we cant get it back. No matter how hard we try. Events pass, people grow up, lives change and at the end of all of it, you wonder when it all happened.
Today... I am one of those parents. Today, Brody turned 2. And while I can remember his birth like it was yesterday, I have to wonder how this happened so quickly. How in what seems like such a short amount of time, he has grown up. (I realize 2 is not exactly grown up) but nonetheless.... here I am, wondering where all the time has gone.
I cant go back, I cant slow down, or speed up the clock, but what I can do is cherish every moment, every second. Hold on to, take it in, and try as hard as I can to remember it. I am excited to see what the next year will bring with Brody. He is one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me. I am blessed and humbled everyday that he is mine, part of me, part of Stephen, part of something bigger... and only time will tell what that will be.
I love you Brody! Happy Birthday