Sunday, March 27, 2011

I started blogging for many reasons. One being that I have completely failed at scrapbooking any memories of my childrens lives... in fact, the very thought of it now is just overwhelming. Another was so that people that dont live close to us can see what goes on in our day to day lives... except that these days, my blogging is not so day to day as it is week to week or even month to month...
I also wanted a way to document fun things we do, so that when my kids get older and think all I ever do is make them clean their rooms and do homework, I can show them all the fun things we really do.

But one of the main reasons I started blogging was for myself.... because I happen to know that most of the things I write on this blog, are for me, for my memories, and for all the things I want to hold onto in my kids lives... the things I never want to forget... the precious moments that only happen once in a lifetime.

We just came home from an amazing week long vacation to Florida. Yes, there will be several posts about it and yes, I took a rediculous amount of pictures... but this trip was not about the BIG things for me. It wasnt about watching Reagan be transformed into a princess at the Bippity Boppity Boutique or watching Brody meet his all time hero- Buzz Lightyear... it was about my kids, and the overwhelming feeling of being their mom.

It was about watching them play together and see that they are truly becoming the best of friends. It was about looking at them and wondering where the time has gone... where my babies went but being excited about the future of continuing to watch them grow and develope. It was the moment of sheer emotion when Reagan described her favorite part of the trip as "just being with you" while hugging Stephen and I, and Brody's sweet voice at the dinner table the night we got home saying "your the best mommy ever" even though the only edible thing in our house was ramen noodles and pickles. It was about holding them close to me at night and smelling them, and being completely in awe of the little people that they are becoming. Their are no words to describe the love I have for my kids, but I cant imagine ever forgetting that feeling!